Hugo Chavez |
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Hugo Chaves dan West Papua
Tapol Filep Karma Prihatin Demokrasi di Papua
Tapol Papua Filep Karma (Photo MS) |
Kekerasan di Paniai Berlanjut, SKP Minta Perhatian Publik
Kasus kekerasan aparat di paniai (photo jb) |
Lagi Puncak Jaya Memanas, 1 Warga Ditembak TNI dan 2 wanita diperkosa
Operasi TNI/Polri di Papua |
U.S. Try referendum for West Papua!
Mantan Merlu AS Hilary Clinton |
Onepapua,-- Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Marty Natalagewa have protested the statement of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are worried about the human rights situation in Papua.
"Hillary's statement was the U.S. intervention in Indonesia," said intelligence analysts as reported by AC Manullang, Monday, November 14, 2011.
According to AC Manullang, the U.S. Government has been implementing a strategy to release Papuan Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia). "Human rights will be the reason the United States filed a referendum for the people of Papua," he explained.
Manullang said, due to the statement of Hillary, European countries as well as support groups in various countries of Papua will urge Indonesia to conduct a referendum for Papua.
"In the international world are of opinion, the need for a referendum for Papua because many human rights violations," said Manullang.
Fears of Indonesia
In response to a statement by U.S. Secretary, said Manullang, the Government of Indonesia must be firm with the United States.
"I would suggest that Indonesian Foreign Minister sent a letter of protest to the U.S. government having to intervene Nation sovereignty of Indonesia," he explained.
He continued, assertiveness Indonesia will be a boost for the government of SBY recently had popular support continues to decline.
"If the government of SBY act firmly against the United States, the people of Indonesia will support it," added Manullang.
Earlier, the United States Government, through the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton responded to the turmoil that continues in Papua. Hillary Clinton, on Friday, 11 November 2011, expressed concern about the state of human rights in Papua.
3 People Died Due to Landslide in Jayapura
The rain was pouring with rain intensity Jayapura on Saturday (16/3) to Sunday (17/3). Rain triggered landslide on Sunday morning at the home stockpiling APO Mount, North Jayapura district, Jayapura- papua.
"As a result of landslides, four residents of the house buried by landslides. 3 people died that Melinda (26), Agustina Soisa (17), and Ardelea (23), and one person is injured Hans Loen (47)," said Head of Public Relations BNPB in his statement, Sunday (17/3) today.
Flood affected areas include Entrop, Youtefa Market, SMA 4 and beyond.
"The structure of Jayapura City area mostly hills coupled with a lack of awareness of the people to build houses in flood plains resulting landslides and flooding potential is very high," he said.
"Awareness of disaster alert and care should be emphasized to everyone in order to minimize environmental damage, loss of property and loss of life,"
"The current conditions can be categorized as disaster preparedness in the past week had twice the floods and landslides in the region Entrop, Padang Bulan, Youtefa Market, Koya brat and east, and the village of Moso.
Local governments seem silent and did not care about the disaster, is expected to capture a disaster for victims and should be categorized handling of the emergency.
Buku Ke-15 Dari Socratez S. Yoman Di Larang Beredar
Buku ke-15 Socratez S. Yoman |
S. Sofyan Yoman |
22nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council - INDONESIA: Ongoing violence in Papua and the need for dialogue
Document ID: ALRC-COS-22-13-2013
HRC section: Item 4, General Debate
Speaker: Mr. Budi Tjahjono
22nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council |
West Papuan activist to address Vanuatu MPs
Benny Wenda /Photo ABC |
Organisasi HAM menyerukan kepada HAM PBB Masalah Eskalasi kekerasan di Papua Barat
Dewan HAM PBB di Jenewa / Foto Vmision |
The Dewan HAM PBB di Jenewa / Foto: Amerika Serikat Mission Jenewa, melalui Wikimedia Commons
Geneva NewsToday-- Termasuk VEM dan Papua Barat network - Dalam sebuah pernyataan kepada Dewan HAM PBB hari ini, berbagai organisasi hak asasi manusia telah menyatakan keprihatinan mereka pada eskalasi kekerasan di Papua Barat."
Penyiksaan di penjara
"Pada tanggal 21 Januari 20 tahanan di penjara Abepura terkenal, di mana para tahanan politik ditahan banyak orang Papua dan telah disiksa. Dia telah dipukuli dengan Elektrojabeln. Meskipun itu adalah hal yang baik bahwa dalam episode setidaknya Gefängsnisleitung itu telah ditangguhkan".
Berdasar tuduhan
"Berada di kasus lain 15 Februari menangkap tujuh di Papua Depapre dan dibawa ke kantor polisi di ibukota provinsi Jayapura. Bahkan para tahanan yang dituduh kontak dengan aktivis terendam telah disiksa selama interogasi. Lima dari mereka yang ditangkap dibebaskan keesokan harinya, Daniel Gobay dan Matan Klembiab tidak berdasar tetapi kepemilikan senjata tajam didakwa".
Pastor ditangkap"Pada tanggal 2 Maret adalah pastor Gobai Yunus, mantan kepala Kingmi Nabire Gereja Maranatha, di Pania kabupaten dipukuli oleh polisi dan ditangkap. Meskipun menurut template Asian Human Rights Commission ada tuduhan bahwa polisi telah menuntut masih satu juta rupee (sekitar 80 euro) untuk pembebasannya".
Kekerasan Mematikan
"Yang bertanda organisasi menyayangkan eskalasi terus kekerasan di Papua Barat. Pada tahun lalu telah terjadi kasus kekerasan antara pasukan keamanan Indonesia, milisi dan warga sipil, di mana beberapa kematian di semua sisi".
Rekomendasi oleh Hak Asasi ManusiaOrganisasi HAM merekomendasikan kepada Dewan HAM PBB untuk mendesak pemerintah Indonesia untuk:
- Aktif untuk dialog damai dengan penggunaan Papua bawah iringan netral, sebagai aktivis perdamaian dan non-pribumi penduduk permintaan Papua Barat, sehingga ada solusi yang berkelanjutan bagi masyarakat di Papua Barat".
- "Untuk memungkinkan pergerakan bebas untuk Papua, tidak hanya untuk wisatawan, tetapi juga bagi wartawan asing, sebagai pengamat independen telah menyerukan untuk beberapa waktu. Hanya sebagai pelaporan independen mungkin - wartawan lokal hidup melalui laporan kritis dalam bahaya konstan".
- Semua tahanan politik dibebaskan, sehingga membuat dialog yang tulus dan partisipatif dengan semua kelompok yang relevan bisa.
Jailed by Indonesia but still campaigning for freedom
Otto Odokwame, Benny Wenda, Andi Amiseba in PNG |
It was a song of freedom.
The question was how he felt about the fact that his country has been granted Observer Status at MSG while West Papua is seeking full membership of the Melanesian Organisation.
Usai Port Moresby, Selanjutnya Port Villa, Tujuan Kampanye Benny Wenda
Benny Wenda J. Robinson |
West Papuan Independence leader to visit Vanuatu
Benny Wenda |
Konflik Papua karena Masalah Politik, Kemanusiaan dan HAM
Sejarawan LIPI, Asvi Warman Adam (kanan) |